Sydney Fish Market!
Fresh Oyster....
The whole feast...with wakame seaweed...
Scallop. YUM
I've discovered something new about myself. If I am tired, and if I don't eat properly, my emotions sink and sink and sink to the point of extreme gloominess. Most of my time in Sydney, I was very tired[10 hours of meetings, rallies and workshops a day. whew!], and I had barely anything proper to eat. My palate was jaded with white bread[i normally have fibre-rich wholemeal]. And I was struggling to have any meat, fruit or vege in my diet. Depressed....
However, Aunty Choon Sia, host, did leave some leftovers one of the nights for me. HEAVEN! Rice with chicken curry and choy sum. Simple, but I was starved.
Anyways.....we went to the fish market on the last day [the only day of sight-seeing]. Sean, Charmaine and I ordered heaps...
It was fresh and good. But we ordered too much I think...hehe....I wanna go back and savour it slowly.