Eating at a HK-style restaurant

Rubecca's friend, Sam from East Malaysia came over for a holiday. He treated us to this really nice HK-styled dinner in the East Side of Taipei. The East Side is a popular shopping and eating area. It's a little bit more expensive than some other areas, but I like the area a lot because it's less crowded than the really 'bargain' areas, or the uppity areas around the 101. 

Occasionally, I miss HK-style food. Taiwanese food is really different in taste and flavouring. To be honest, I prefer Malaysian and HK food to Taiwanese food. Heh.

Delectable roast pork

I miss roast duck! 

Some of the spread

Sam and Rubecca

Mandy, Charis, Rubecca, Sam.

Beef balls


HK-styed dessert. Guiling Gao 龟苓膏

Pineapple polo buns, wreathed in mist...that's coming from......

THIS. Some odd dessert.

The odd dessert sans mist/steam

Peanut soup

Black sesame soup. LOVE IT.


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